Monday 6 October 2008

Weightlifting Exercises

Weightlifting exercises depends on what particular body part you want to enhance. Here are some examples:

Weightlifting for Chest muscles – since chest is one of the most noticeable parts of a man’s body. Improving this part will be a big plus for them.
- Inclined dumbbell stress – lifting the dumbbells with your back inclined. And the weight of the dumbbell will start with the heavy one that you can tolerate until your body adjusted for a heavier one.
- Flat dumbbell stress – the same with the inclined stress but only with your back flat.
Weightlifting for Back Muscles – although we you cannot see the clear improvement on your back, it is still a must to improve it. But anyone can tell if your back is in a great shape, it should be in V-shaped form.
- One-arm dumbbell rows – lifting the dumbbell with one arm while one leg and other arm are on the flat bench firmly.
- Bent Over Barbell Rows – this is lifting the barbell with bended knees that forms your body into an arch and looking forward.
Weightlifting for Arms – the arms are considered as the most noticeable part of the body especially when under work out. Since the hands are the most involved in weightlifting, it is likely to get big easily.
- Standing Barbell Curls – standing while lifting the barbell with palms up to the shoulders. Be sure not to sway around and keep the arms in your sides.
- Incline Dumbbell curls – this is done with the back inclined and lifting dumbbells either alternately or simultaneously.